The Franchise Network has come together again!
The beginning of May was a busy time for the senior
franchise management team as we embarked on our UK tour to hold Regional
Network Days for our franchise owners.
At Betterclean Services we place a high importance on the
involvement of and input from all franchisees and believe that the combined
knowledge of the people in the network is one of the key ingredients in the
ongoing success of the brand. This is why we ensure there are regular network
days and franchisee events included in the calendar.
Over the three days we met with regional groups of franchise
owners and discussed a number of topics in an informal manner. These included
developments from Head Office, new operational and marketing initiatives, what
was working well in their region and any challenges they were currently facing.
The days were full of energy and very productive with everyone taking part and
providing excellent input into discussions.
It is an excellent opportunity for the franchise management
team to engage with our franchise owners, but these events also give the
franchise owners the opportunity to interact with each other, share stories,
build relationships, and ultimately come together as one body. This is one of
the great things about franchising, you are able to be ‘your own boss’ but at
the same time be part of a wider, supportive network. It really is a ‘best of
both worlds’ situation.
After the regional network days are completed is where the
real work for the franchise management team begins as we will now be collating
all the ideas and suggestions that came out of the days and formulating an
action plan of what will be done and by when which will then be communicated to
the franchise owners so that there is full transparency, something else that we
believe is a key ingredient to our continued success.
I am very much looking forward to our whole network day and
awards evening which we will be holding in October, it is set to be a really
fun and engaging couple of days.
Dan van Kuyk QFP, Founder of Betterclean Services
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